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Intrarenal hemodynamics in hypertensive patients

Е. В. Осипова, Л. В. Мельникова

Authors: E. V. Osipova, L. V. Melnikova

Place: Penza, Russia

Institution: Penza University of Advanced Medical Training


Objective. To investigate the doppler features of the blood flow in hypertensive patients. Design and methods. We examined 49 hypertensive patients (mean age 52,8 ± 12,9 years) and 20 healthy subjects (mean age 49,2 ± 17,6 years). The intrarenal blood flow was studied by the triplex scan. We also assessed creatinine levels, estimated glomerular filtration rate by MDRD formula and creatinine clearance by Cockroft-Gault formula, and albuminuria. Results. A decreased blood flow velocity parameters and the increase of the proximal renal artery segment were found (peak systolic velocity in right and left renal arteries — 78,4 ± 21,4 and 59,3 ± 11,4 cm/s in hypertensive group and 100,8 ± 34,3 and 88,7 ± 18,2 cm/s in control group, p < 0,05; resistant index in right and left renal arteries — 0,66 ± 0,05 and 0,67 ± 0,05 in hypertensives and 0,62 ± 0,06 and 0,63 ± 0,06 in controls, p < 0,05). There was no difference of blood flow velocities in the distal segment of the renal arteries between the groups. Сonclusions. Different variants of the renal artery remodeling occur in proximal and distal segments of renal arteries in hypertensive patients. The most typical changes include the increase of the main renal artery trunk with the decreased blood flow velocity, while segment and interlobar renal arteries are characterized by narrowing that might result in nephroangiosclerosis.

Keywords: arterial hypertension, intrarenal blood flow, hemodynamic parameters


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